Friday, December 3, 2010


I got my brand new camera in the mail and I am so excited. It's been years since my own camera and I love pictures! My mom always kept the fridge and walls covered in photos. I guess with 4 girls you get a lot of photo opportunities.
These are my pictures of what I see everyday and on special occasions. I won't live here forever, this is for today and now.. which means that one day all these pictures will be a moment of my history.

The sign I see everyday : Tropicana Avenue , if you've ever been to Las Vegas or plan on stopping by then Hello! you're just a few minutes down the road from me.

This is the view from the bottom of my doorstep.. Good morning sunny Las Vegas! Really it is sunny everyday. No complaints here. 
I never said it didn't feel cold. It does! But it's balanced by the hundred degree summers. I do love that I see at least a few trees. It was very strange to me seeing all this flat desert coming from Westchester County, NY. Hint: lots of green. I stared up for a few days and kept wondering 'is the sky just bigger here?'


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